Tuesday, October 2, 2012

30 Day Challenge - Day 4

My dear sister-in-law, Linda, took such good care of me!  She was the one to take me to the ER last night and today, she took me to get my prescriptions and to the grocery.  Praise God - my prescriptions cost $8 total and my grocery bill was small enough to pay cash.  It's amazing how little I need when I'm only focused on buying the essentials!

I think I did a little too much walking at the grocery, but at least I was moving a little.  My back hurts still and it is very difficult to walk or stand up from a sitting position.  I can’t pick up heavy objects (over 5 pounds) and I can’t stretch to reach things.  But, I was very thankful that I was able to shower today.  In my shower, I thanked God that I don’t have any broken bones, that I can raise my hands over my head, and that I can stand long enough to clean up.  Another huge praise, I got out of bed in less than 5 minutes AND I managed to get both socks on in about 10 minutes or so.  We are making progress! J   God is good!

Linda was sharing a story about a friend of hers that is going through a really hard trial in her life.  She was saying how everything lined up for God to make the problem go away, but at the last minute – it didn't.  Linda said the most profound thing.  There must be some reason that this trial wasn't taken away from her.  She needs to just praise God for this trial and through this trial. 

That really resonated with me.  I think she is correct.  I need to praise God through this trial, even if I’m not seeing healing immediately.  After our retreat, I felt like God would heal me immediately just like Sharon’s husband Dale or her mother.  Then again, her mother didn't heal completely, she just didn't die.  Jesus, I trust you through this trial.  I thank you for all the people praying for me and I thank you for your love and strength to get through this together.  I am also thankful for pain meds.  J

I just read the passages of scripture today and realize that I was so caught up in the activities of the past few days I forgot to journal about the verses!  I am drowning in God’s love right now.  The fact that my mom was willing to drive here from Ohio to help me, and Linda spent 2 hours in the ER with me after spending all day in court with a friend of hers, and my brother was willing to do whatever was needed to help me.  The women in my small group are praying for me.  God, I thank you for showing me that it’s OK to ask for help (even though I didn’t exactly ask for help).  I thank you for helping me to see your work in all of this.  I thank you for giving me pain meds to ease the intensity of the pain.  I thank you for letting me find a doctor that can see me in the next 10 days.  I thank you that I was in and out of the hospital in 2 hours!  That’s a miracle!  I thank you that I can still walk, sit, and shower.  I thank you that you are with me even now.  I thank you for this back pain to make me slow down.  I thank you for showing me that I need to rest.  I thank you for showering me with resources to grow closer to you.  The Lord’s Table, Sharon’s 30 day challenge, Jesus Calling, THE BIBLE, and all the devotions you’ve given me through email.  God, you are good.  And your love endures forever.  I am worthy.  I am valued.  I am loved.  (((HUGS))) to you, Jesus!  J

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