Since I don’t have time to write as often as I would like, I decided to do an open-ended “Lessons Learned”. C'mon, I had to get my project management skills in here somehow!
I plan on writing more posts this year, but I don’t believe it's necessary to describe every detail of these events. My writings are meant to demonstrate how God is shaping me and molding me into a more loving person. Unfortunately, my lessons are usually through tough circumstances. By focusing on my OLW “Love”, I realize that I could potentially hurt the other individuals involved whether or not they read my blog.
Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"
Love the Lord your God means…
1. Honoring God with the first moments of my day, every day.
2. Giving God back a portion of what He gives me (time and money).
3. Thanking God for every person, thing and situation. He has a plan and will work everything together for good, if I trust Him.
4. Trusting Jesus. It is important to verbalize my trust in Him daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute. Even when I am struggling with this, saying it out loud creates the heart-attitude to trust.
5. Praying without ceasing. By prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
6. Seeking His will for decisions big and small.
7. Be still and listen to His still, small voice.
8. Submitting everything to God’s control. The unknown result makes this scary, but peace that passes understanding follows as soon as I lay it down.
9. Acknowledging God’s goodness and majesty. This is a constant reminder to me to verbalize it and give Him the honor and glory He deserves. Plus, God loves to hear His children recognize His sovereignty.
Loving others as myself means…
1. Admitting when I am wrong and apologizing. It does not mean I will never hurt others or never do wrong.
2. Accepting people as they are – flaws and all. I can’t change people, only God can.
3. Asking God to reveal His big picture, so I can act accordingly. Sometimes it involves hurting those I care about, but following God’s guidance is so much more important.
4. Denying myself instant gratification to wait on God to provide something better – infinitely more than I can ever ask or imagine.
5. Thanking God for family, friends, co-workers and strangers continually each day. This not only blesses the other person, but it creates a love in my heart for them.
6. Putting other’s needs before my own.
7. Finding a need and filling it.
8. Forgiving others continually, just as Jesus continually forgives me.
9. Vulnerability and honesty with safe people. To make friends, I have to be one.
That's all for now. To be continued...
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